Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Believe... and suddenly anything is attainable.

"...take steps towards your desire and allow the Universe to manifest it into your physical experiential reality in ways The Universe will take care of."

greetings all. it's been a little while as i've been busy with work work, you know, the thing that helps keep the dream alive (and a roof over your head)? it's all good, just a little challenging finding the balance.

i found the above quote this morning while pondering something a friend had said about manifesting the life she desires. one of the laws of manifesting is to know that what you desire already exists. now. we tend to think of time in linear terms but i don't believe the Universe works this way. it's so easy for us humans to see what we don't have or what we want, therefore, usually leaving us in a state of lack vs abundance. but, if we can find a way to reside in a calm state of "being" vs "doing", our actions towards our desire comes from a place of trust (in having) rather than a place of anxiety (over NOT having). this energy is where manifesting really kicks in. set a course for your direction, but be prepared to tack and jibe as the wind will change and the tides will turn - trust the Universe will guide us on our journeys in getting exactly what we want.

Lady Guru, here we come! i'm not sure exactly how or when, but i'm stepping down the path alongside your stick-figure frame and i'm enjoying every mysterious minute. thank you for walking with me!


Robin Rice said...

Yea girl. Knowing you have enough, you can focus on what you would enjoy doing with your enough! I love it! Robin

TM said...

Yes, believing is the key, but it's the challenge, too, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I agree on all counts Kajisan, and what I know now, is that it is not even just believing that we can do, but it is authentic knowingness. To know is to trust, and it is in that free falling, knowing trust, that the universe asks of us. Mostly, I feel I have learned to listen deep within, and my little Lady Guru voice speaks up loud and clear, and when I fully trust her, she is always right for me. Rock on Lady Guru, she lives in us all!

Lady Guru said...

yes, knowing. Carl Jung said: "I could not say I believe. I know! I have had the experience of being gripped by something that is stronger than myself, something that people call God." - so, i've changed the line in my posting to read "one of the laws of manifesting is to KNOW that what you desire already exists". because, it seems to me there is a slight hesitancy in the word "believe", and with hesitancy is doubt. sometimes, doubt can be a good thing - an intuitive protection device - but most times it leaves us in a state of immobilization, sabotaging our ability to make a true decision - keeping us from our path of heart.

follow your heart, and know that everything is taken care of...

gamegirl said...

Right, Karne. It's not just belief but faith...faith that the universe and God are guiding us on the true path. Faith has been guiding me recently and it is a tremendous source of strength!