Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Be Thankful... and suddenly gratitude is a way of life.

There is a saying: “If the only prayer you ever say is ‘Thank You’, that is enough.” These were also the last two words of a dear friend, Kathleen McBride, a 41 year old mother of two young children, who died of cervical cancer on July 28, 2006.

It’s so easy to be thankful for the good times, the things that bring us joy in our lives. When someone gives us a compliment or does something kind for us, we are filled with gratitude. We’re thankful when it doesn’t rain on our parade or when the train shows up on time or when the soufflé doesn’t fall and especially during times when our jobs are going well, the money is flowing, relationships are in harmony and our loved ones are well again after an illness or accident.

But what about those times when it IS raining and the train IS late and the recipes DON’T work… and those times we are broke or when we are at odds in our relationships or suffering as we watch our loved ones in pain. Can we really know our gratitude even then? Can we still say ‘Thank You’? Thank you for this pain? This lesson - this opportunity to grow? These times challenge us to call on our deeper selves, our higher sources so we can appreciate and honor the difficult experiences as well as the satisfying ones.

Kathleen, a true Lady Guru, LIVED a life of gratitude, up to her very last moment on earth. Living a life of gratitude means being thankful for it ALL. Kathleen, wherever you are, this is for you… Thank you, thank you, thank you…


TM said...

Choked me up, you did. (Yoda speak). The way I've been feeling lately, I really needed that reminder. I always come away from reading your posts feeling good. Thank you! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Deep breath. Oh, my.

All of your postings have touched some part of me, yet this one reached right to my heart's very center. I think about Kathleen every single day, and I feel her presence guiding me. Thank you for honoring her and reminding us of the shining beacon she was and still is.

And keep writing.

In love and gratitude,

Tall Mary

Anonymous said...

I stumbled across this site strictly by accident on day and now periodically pop in to read your what I have now come to discover as "Words of Wisdom"

This is my stop and smell the roses minute of the day and a way for me to realize there is more to life and to slow down, enjoy what is in front of me and to stop chasing my unrealistic goal of perfection.

Anonymous said...

Today it is raining and I am alone in a new space. And confronted with new obstacles. I just read your post, it put things in perspective for me today. I always try to smell the roses but somedays they just stink. We can not learn with out suffering. I have learned that. Gratitude is the only way. It keeps me going. And I try to remember each time I am confronted with a Bad Day. I love your blog. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

this is really great stuff, and yes everything you say is true. and what do we do when it rains on our parade? dance naked, that's what I say. dance naked, and I hope it is a warm rain. Here is the thing, when we stop asking for something and know that everything we need and could ever want is already here, then all we have to do is to say thank you. Making the jump across that chasm is what I feel is "it". When I stopped "begging" and began to feel real gratitude, suddenly, everything was a gift, everything. And who is to say what is bad, somewhere in it all is a chance for us to grow, to learn, to live. And when we leave, and the pain that lives on in those remaining is present, that is then another opportunity to keep loving, learning and healing. Hopefullly gratitude for the time spent with the one gone can be the teacher. And maybe, some dancing will help.

Lady Guru said...

like the final verse in Jackson Browne's "For a Dancer":

"Into a dancer you have grown
From a seed somebody else has thrown
Go on ahead and throw some seeds of your own
And somewhere between the time you arrive
And the time you go
May lie a reason you were alive
But you'll never know"

...i DO know we ARE ALL dancing - thank YOU all for allowing me to "throw some seeds of my own" ...