Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Unhappy Anniversary

Realign… and suddenly you are back on track.

Earlier this month, while sitting at my desk, I was overcome with sensations and emotions by way of what I refer to as “involuntary total recall”. It was all at once, disconcerting, confusing and curious. I felt as though I was re-experiencing something from my past, something that had occurred several years ago. I seemed to be instantly projected backward in time to this very difficult period. Intellectually, I knew I had traveled far from that place and was now safe inside the new growth and understanding I had come to know along the way, but emotionally, I was reliving it. I stopped what I was doing and just sat with it, allowing myself to feel it. I was marveling at how fresh and clear it felt. I became the witness. It was so strong in it’s presence, I felt compelled to check the calendar – March 2. I was stunned by the accuracy of the timing of this “visitation”. It was March 3rd, three years prior that I received news that would send me spinning off my axis for the following year!

So, was it a coincidence, that less than a week later, my lower back went out to the point where I could barely move? I couldn’t help but contemplate, yet again, the notion of cellular memory and how we are, in fact, physical blueprints of every emotion we experience. Perhaps if we can learn to really listen to our bodies with compassion and patience when they “act out”, we can get a greater understanding of what is really going on inside our Selves and realign our focus accordingly. Maybe this way, we can ultimately lessen the blows (physical AND emotional) while meeting them with dignity, divinity and grace.

Stay Well!


TM said...

That would be nice. If we could do that. It's interesting how we remember dates that are "landmarks" in the history of our lives. I'm sure we all have several dates seared into our memories. Unconsciously, you probably were aware of the date. Anyway, as always, an insightful and helpful post. I love you!

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