Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Power of Giving

Give…. and suddenly you have everything you could ever need.

A moment of your time; a dollar for the street musician; a compliment to a stranger; a seat on the subway; a hug to the hurting… Have you ever noticed in those moments, however small, the way you feel after you’ve just “given” something of yourself? This, my friends, is the pure essence of the divine, our true god/goddess-like nature shining through, connecting us to that higher source we are all a part of.

Buried deep within every one of us, beneath all the wants and desires and woes and denials lives a loving, open heart that yearns to grow and glow. Of course, we are humans and not saints and live in a culture that tends to distract us everyday from this mindset. But, we do know it’s there and we all possess the power to tap into the abundance that giving can provide, for others and for ourselves. It’s a two way street where everybody wins.

Go and give… and live in abundance!


Anonymous said...

Giving... now it really is all good! I'm wondering about the "translucent business" do we "give" in business, and how much? I give away my books. And discount services to those in need...but how much is too much? Just a question for us all in business.

Lady Guru said...

good point, Robin. i've been there, too.
but, i'm not sure the point of giving in business vs personal can be divided up that simply. someone once pointed out to me in regards to a difficult situation i was going through, "Ask yourself, does this feel toxic?" i'm not saying we should let things go that far, but i think if we stay in touch with our "intention" we can tell when we're going over the edge, we can FEEL it. i suppose with everything, there can be a point of having gone too far, but somewhere between here and there is the balance - another subject worthy of a post!

obviously, we are all entitled to our right livelyhood, and need in the practical sense, to live in the world. but, if the giving comes from the heart and it feels right, then how could it be wrong? if, on the other hand, we begin to feel resentful or taken advantage of (because there will always be those who will - if we let them), or we're going broke, then we've strayed from our center.

i believe giving is a matter of the heart - it knows no difference between business or personal. perhaps if we can stay tuned in enough, we can better get to know our boundaries of "how much is too much?".

TM said...

Yes, it's a fine line, indeed. I know that feeling is one of my greatest joys. Getting to know those boundaries, as you say, is the challenge. But I think the advice of asking the question, "does this feel toxic," is excellent.

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