Be Alive… and suddenly consciousness exists in every cell of your being.
Yesterday, my body and I celebrated our 50 year anniversary together. It was a simple, albeit, significant day, a day of honoring exactly where we are together; all the aches and pains and new wrinkles, the fluctuating moods that come with perri-menopause, and not to mention the ever so slightly, but definite beginnings of the dreaded “meno-pot”. However, it was also a day of mindfully thanking and honoring the beauty, strength, resilience and grace of: these feet that have walked hundreds of miles to get me wherever I needed to go; these legs that have danced me into oblivion a countless number of times; this spine, so strong in supporting this structure in all its unlimited (and limited!) ways; these arms for all the hugs they’ve ever given AND received; these shoulders for carrying the weight of all the challenges they’ve ever had to bear; these eyes for all the beauty there is to see; these ears for experiencing the infinite vibrations of sound; this nose for all the memories it can conjure from one simple sniff; this tongue for to taste, talk, sing; and this heart… not only for keeping the blood flowing through these veins, but for the love, the compassion, the gratitude and the forgiveness as well as the sorrow and suffering that all comes from being painfully and joyfully human.
Happy Birthday to Us, and to Us a birthday EVERY day.
Blessings and Sat Nam!
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Your sentiments make me weep. Happy, happy birthday. Best love, Suzy
I'm with you a thousand days in a row! A hundred thousand! Fifty years and five thousand years and five elephants and girraffes and tadpoles too. In short, Happy birthday. Robin
You and your body, I LOVE IT. You are amazing, and filled with such gratitude, light and pure joy. Happy, Happy Birth Day, on this Day, (yesterday) the Lord Gave you life, may you use it to serve all! and you do my dearest sweet kajisan.
In this lifetime and more to come, and I am sure many that have passed, I am honored and tickled to be your friend. much love and many blessings to your divine soul. love, great bhaava and light,
dejisan kirpal
Happy, happy 50th celebration of your birth! I'm so glad you were born into this world to share yourself with the rest of us. Big hugs, Sandy
Happy Happy Happy Birthday my dear friend! You have been in my thoughts, and I feel so blessed to have you as a friend. You are such an amazing person, thank you for sharing your many gifts.......body, soul, mind and spirit!
Love, Mary
I finally got around to reading this. I completely forgot it was your 50th! I hope you had a wonderful day! We were all blessed when you came into the world. XXOO
wow! thank you all so much for such wonderful, heartfelt messages! if only you all knew how much your contributions play a part in my own, ongoing evolution...
sat nam, my dear friends!
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