Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mistakes or Masterpieces?

Accept… and suddenly you realize you are exactly where you’re meant to be.

In a song by Teitur, an artist I discovered a little while back, he says:

“Who is to say who wins or who looses? - I sing to myself at the end of the day, when I know what the blues is. All my mistakes have become masterpieces. I was born in the goodness of grace - and because of faith, because of courage, because of forgiveness - all my mistakes have become masterpieces”.

We are all born in the “goodness of grace”… and then we fall - or so we think - not because we’re losers, but because it’s how we humans are. We tend to look at our so called “failings” as mistakes, when really, they are only times of learning and growth. There is no wrong direction down the path, there is only the direction in which we are going, and through “faith, courage and forgiveness”, it’s up to us to find our alchemist along the way, and turn our lead into gold… our mistakes into masterpieces, and come full circle to our true nature… the goodness of grace.

People have been prompting me to get Lady Guru “going” for a couple of years. Being the professional procrastinator that I am, I found all kinds of reasons to lag on the progress, hearing, of course, all the “shoulds” (that “S” word again!) that I was avoiding and all the negative messages that come with them, kicking myself all along the way. But now, as I come to where I am (which is always where we are!) I am discovering the beauty and the fruits of my procrastination, knowing how much more Lady Guru has to offer today, than she did two years ago - and the timing is exactly RIGHT – as it always is – and always will be!

Blessings and many thanks!


TM said...

I'm eager to see where Lady Guru's path leads you! As one of those who had encouraged you to get this going, it's exciting to follow. I write this, I am listening to my Itunes on shuffle, and this song just came on that I downloaded free, just because it was free (never heard of them). The band is Borne and the song is The Guide. The words he was singing over and over just now were "you are my guiding light." I was just thinking that you have been a real inspiration for me lately. From one procrastinator to another, that is. :)

TM said...

Okay, and now "Turn, Turn, Turn" by the Byrds is on. "A time to every purpose under heaven..." indeed.

Anonymous said...

Karen, as I read this, I see a book...ever thought of that. Your writing expands the visual so perfectly... Keep it up! Robin

Lady Guru said...

thanks to you both!
Robin - when told Greg (my husband) about the postings i was doing, he suggested the same thing. it hadn't really occurred to me to do a book, but this is what i love about sharing and bringing different minds together.
let's keep it going!

Anonymous said...

tonight I was blessed to be there for a dear friend in need, and then as I read your "mistakes have become masterpieces" I realize just how perfectely (again) everything is in this universe. How we can be so completely in pain and misery and resist that it is exactly what we need, yet when we are in delight and joy, we never doubt that. What I learn from this is, it is all exactly right, and when we can authentically be grateful for it ALL, then we are awake. My friend saw through her pain, that the good was her being able to feel the pain, and even as hard as some lessons have been for me, I really do see that each and every one of them has been a masterpiece. Thanks and keep up your blogging!