Tuesday, May 1, 2007

More Good Stuff

“Release… and suddenly you are liberated from all that does not serve you.”

Another full moon is upon us, and this May 2nd brings the full moon in Scorpio which finds us in an opportune time to release attachment to old pain. For everyone of us, in every moment there is the opportunity to take responsibility for our thoughts and actions. Now is a good time for us to see our truth, take advantage of our power to change, shed old skin to reveal a new glow, and ask ourselves what WE can now bring to the world.

I see Lady Guru as part of my new skin, with a new glow, ready to shine brightly for the world. Reflecting the beauty, and the dignity, divinity and grace that we all embody. She could only have emerged as organically as she did, after much conflict and struggle in searching for my own true way in the world. Lady Guru has been constantly transforming, just like the rest of us. A lot of what that means is letting go of old ideas that no longer serve us so we can make more room for the good stuff. And the more good stuff we have inside, the more good stuff we can bring to the world.



TM said...

Ah, so much wisdom in so few words. Thanks, Karen. Every time I think I have it down, something else pops up to remind me that letting go is pivotal in moving forward. I'm working on working on it. :)

Natasha Beccaria said...

Its a constant work in progress. Perfection is not as important as the road we take to get there.

Lady Guru said...

yes, we are all "walking works in progress". it's being able to rest in that and finding comfort in being "on the road" - learning to relax into who and where we are.

we tend to make things way more complicated than they have to be!

Nan Patience said...

It may also be said that some pain cannot be erased so easily, and perhaps it's alright to be both shining and tarnished.