Thursday, November 8, 2007



LULULEMON ATHLETICA, an international yoga apparel store, has just approved the purchase order for 70 boxes of Lady Guru Encouragement Cards!!! Each box is included in a specially prepared gift basket that will be provided to customers upon opening day of the new Lululemon location in at the Fashion Show Mall in Las Vegas, Nevada!! The managers at the new store loved the cards so much, it looks like they might be ordering more to use as corporate gifts, as well!

Godspeed, Lady Guru - you GO girl!!


Anonymous said...

Can anyone say/sing/shout WHAHOOOOOOOO AGAINNNNNNNN!

You Go Guru!

gamegirl said...

hooray! What a thrill!

Anonymous said...

You are on your way wise one, the Lady has arrived and she will pave the way!!!
congrats on this and it is just the beginning!
love, light and abundance to you,

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! Very Wonderful News!!

TM said...

That's so AWESOME! Not surprising, I knew LG would take off. I'm just so happy for you!!! XXOO

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO Lady Guru!! Congrats! Enjoy your travels! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Congratluations Lady! I know that this is just the beginning! How soon before Ladu Guru hats and T's? Just want to help out with a little advertising...:-)

Lady Guru said...

thanks, ALL!!!

Anonymous said...

damn right proud of you, Lady
GO get em

Lady Guru said...

thanks, DAD!!